Friday, 25 October


Doors from 8pm


Friday, 25 October

Doors from 8pm


Felons Barrel Hall


Live Music Free

Corrupted by a lust for groove with scars from Ska to show, 6-piece soul-splosion Fat Picnic are unanimously hailed as Brisbane's premier high-energy party band.

Their infectious energy, humour and every-genre-in attitude garnishes punchy horn lines and catchy choruses on a base of skank-funk, dub reggae, pop hooks and headbanging - culminating in a sweaty festival fiasco at every show. 

There just ain’t no party like a Fat Picnic party. 

“I think this Fat Picnic song epitomises what people love about roots music…It’s also a little reminiscent of early Cat Empire.” 
- Nkechi Anele, Triple J [About single ‘Best Of You’] 

Doors from 8pm. Free entry. Hall yeah!